ross lawn service

Storm damage and tree trimming services.

Storm Damage and Tree Trimming

We prefer to maintain a tree as long as possible simply because these magnificent works of nature provide so many benefits to our world – natural beauty, summer shade, and they convert carbon dioxide to oxygen for us to breathe. To that end, we carefully prune and trim trees and bushes for longer life. For those that are beyond help, we carefully cut, shred and remove them from your property.

Tree trimming can be a risky project as well as rigorous. We have the required saws and equipment and skilled team necessary to make the work safer. If needed, we offer a 24 hour storm damage service, including Sundays. If an entire tree needs to be downed, we offer tree stump grinding and the removal the branches and debris. We can also level the ground surface and reseed the area so that no one would ever know a tree once stood there. Or, we can replant a new tree in its place.

Minor tree and bush damage can also be pruned correctly to grow out properly. If pruning is done incorrectly, it’s possible to cause damage – enough to allow disease to attack or even kill the tree or bush. Ross Lawn Service would be pleased to provide these services. Call Andy at 717.468.3632 or use our online contact form.

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